A Macpac Adventure Hub combines the Macpac range of technical outdoor gear, with a carefully curated selection of apparel, equipment and accessories from some of the world’s best outdoor brands.
The result? An extended range to cater to your all your hiking, camping, travelling and paddling needs. If you would like to see this product in person, visit your nearest Macpac Adventure Hub or shop online.
A Macpac Adventure Hub combines the Macpac range of technical outdoor gear, with a carefully curated selection of apparel, equipment and accessories from some of the world’s best outdoor brands.
The result? An extended range to cater to your all your hiking, camping, travelling and paddling needs. If you would like to see this product in person, visit your nearest Macpac Adventure Hub or shop online.
Dometic CFF12 Portable Fridge/Freezer — 13L
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Colour selected: Slate/Mist
Colour selected: OS
Product Description
This remarkably lightweight portable fridge or freezer is compact and easy to use. Its range is between +10°Cand -18�C. It fits approx. 12 standing bottles or 17x375ml cans, and it comes complete with a removable cup holder, recessed grips at the base and an adjustable shoulder strap. Integrated seat belt guides let you securely fasten the fridge/freezer in transit. -
Design features
Product Specifications