Responsible Down
We source our down from Allied Feather & Down, an industry leader for global down supply and ethical down sourcing. Allied Feather & Down is certified to the Responsible Down Standard (RDS), a voluntary industry standard that ensures ducks and geese are treated humanely.
In 2016 Macpac committed to using down that is certified to the Responsible Down Standard.
The RDS is an independent standard and there is no legal requirement to certify down with the RDS, however, ethically sourced down is something that Macpac and our customers value. We want to ensure that any animals used in our supply chain are treated humanely, and an RDS certification provides us with more certainty and transparency on this supply chain.
Allied Feather & Down provide a traceability tool which allows us to link each Macpac down product to the lot number the down comes from. This tool allows the consumer to learn more about elements of the down inside their jacket – from source to cleanliness to complete content analysis – educating the consumer on what fill power is, why cleanliness and processing are so important to performance, and how these might reflect on the quality of the product in front of them.
On Macpac down styles, you will find a swing tag labelled Track my Down. These tags contain a QR code and lot number.
Customers can either:
• Scan the code and be taken directly to trackmydown.com, or
• Visit the site manually and enter their lot number
If you have any questions about our compliance with the RDS, and what it means for Macpac, please, get in touch.